October 11-12, 2020

Two reasonably uneventful days though I did get to spend a lot of time with my youngest daughter as either my wife was busy was various things or running older children here and there. I tested her on lots of vocabulary, played shadow puppets, and let her loose on my podcasting setup and lots of fun was had by all.

The state of the Twitter verification process continues to grate on me. There are some fantastic people in the industry who deserve or need the mark due to identity issues they’re running into, and then there are businesses with under 100 followers who get identified because, I assume, their boss used to run J Crew..?

Played Geoguessr quite a lot and have decided I want to try and beat some records (specifically Geowizard’s attempts to get perfect UK scores). My best UK round so far was about 8:35 but with 24990 points, just short of the perfect 25000. I think it’s doable but using a mouse on the family PC is killing my right hand so I might need to find a more ergonomic solution.

Invested another £500 into Bitcoin now that Coinbase have finally “reviewed” my account. I don’t hold much Bitcoin at all, but I’m keen to diversify given how the world seems to be shaping up.

Received Softwar (below) today and am looking forward to receiving it. Where some people love true crime, I like stories about the tech industry. Some may argue they are the same genre.

Only one “top 100 albums of the 90s” listened to this weekend:

#6 – Pearl Jam – Ten: Fantastic album and always a joy to listen to. If I had to pick out one flaw it’s just how reverby it is. It sounds like they played it live in an aircraft hangar. The songs are great though and PJ always makes a nice tonic to the rest of the grunge space.

Dinner on Sunday was pork steaks and peas, cooked by yours truly. Dinner on Monday was fried vegetable rice and burgers.