September 29 and 30, 2020

Playing catch up with the diary again. I feel like I need to put life on hold to actually have a chance to do a good diary. Oh, the irony!

The cat diarrhoea situation seems to have come to an end so they were both allowed out all of Tuesday and Wednesday with no further incidents to reports so far. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

On Tuesday my third daughter shined the bright flashlight on my iPad through her finger and it got me thinking if you could buy a flashlight bright enough to shine through your entire hand. It turns out that YouTube always has a good answer to “has anyone been stupid enough to do this?” and I found a Russian guy who has a 1,000,000 lumen torch. He didn’t shine it through his hand, but he managed to set fire to newspaper just by shining the torch at it, which perhaps explains why shining it through your hand might, well, be a hot idea.

On Wednesday I got into the autumnal mood by shutting all of the blinds in my home office and enjoying some subtle artificial light and the dulcet tones of 90s drum’n’bass. It’s not the sort of thing I’m usually listening to, but it felt right. I actually got some programming done for once – hurrah!

I ended Wednesday by taking part in a virtual event run by Microsoft called Create: Serverless where I chaired a panel (along with Jeremy Daly and Simona Cotin) talking about what serverless means, as a concept.

Tea on Tuesday was a gluten free pie. Tea on Wednesday was sausages.