September 21, 2020

Yesterday we watched the Tom Hanks movie Big. It was unable to fully hold the kids’ attention as it’s not animated, noisy or a musical.

Laura went on another epic bike ride with her cycling club today, so I spent much of the day in my easy chair reading the remainder of The Diary of a Bookseller which has inspired the creation of this diary of my very own.

Microsoft bought the Bethesda game studio today. It made me think just how little I generally care about game studios as an end user. I’d much rather games were associated with creative individuals who vouched for them, as with directors and movies. There are people who are associated with games like John Carmack and Sid Meier, but this seems to be the exception rather than the rule.

I spoke with Corey Quinn of AWS and Twitter fame for a podcast interview this evening. He was his usual amicable self and we talked about things like how character and persistence are important in the modern world of online media.

Pasta bolognese for tea.

And, do you remember? It’s the 21st night of September.

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